WorkSafe / WorkCover and TAC
Atlas Physio is happy to provide services to clients on behalf of the TAC and WorkSafe. Receiving treatment as a TAC or WorkSafe client is different to receiving treatment as a private client, so take note of the following:
1. You will need a claim number.
As part of subsidised services, you will have received a TAC or WorkSafe claim number. It is important to have this ready when you meet your therapist - it's how we bill for our services. If you do not have your claim number, you will need to provide us with your name and date of birth.
- TAC clients must also have the date on which the accident occurred.
- WorkSafe clients must also have the date on which the injury occurred, the date of surgery if available, and details of your claim.
If you cannot provide a claim number, and do not have the details of your accident available, you will not be eligible for subsidised rates at the time of your appointment. You will still be able to access physiotherapy services at standard rates, and you will still be provided with receipts.
2. You do not need a medical referral to start TAC or WorkSafe treatment with us.
As part of TAC and WorkSafe services, you do not need a medical referral to start physiotherapy treatment. All you will need is a claim number, and you will be eligible to begin treatment.
3. TAC and WorkSafe treatment will require reassessment and reporting.
As part of receiving subsidised physiotherapy treatment, Atlas Physio is obliged to conduct ongoing reassessment of your progress, and provide reports of your progress to the relevant authorities and individuals when requested as well as at regular intervals. This means that details of your treatment and your response to it will need to be submitted. Atlas Physio will take every measure to respect your privacy and minimise exposure of your information. For more information, you can refer to our consent form, and ask any questions you may have regarding TAC or WorkSafe procedures.
4. Subsidised treatment rates are different to standard rates.
The schedule of fees published by WorkSafe and the TAC specify the maximum amount that these organisations will pay for in an appointment. Atlas Physio WILL NOT charge you more than this rate for a standard consultation. You will still be liable for gym memberships, equipment purchases, and any out-of-clinic expenses.