Atlas Physio is happy to provide services to clients remotely via Telehealth. Atlas Physio has provided treatment remotely for those clients who have been unable to attend in clinic due to illness, transport issues, difficulties in mobilising, as well as other factors. Undertaking treatment remotely via Telehealth is different to receiving treatment in the clinic or in your home, so take note of the following:
1. You will need a calling link.
As part of Telehealth Services you will have need a ZOOM calling link. It is important to have this ready in advance of your session - it's how we conduct treatment remotely. In addition to having the appointment-specific ZOOM calling link, also make sure of the following:
- Your internet connection must be strong enough to maintain an audio and video call for the duration of the appointment.
- Your device must be capable of undertaking videocalls and audiocalls, and have an adequate amount of charge.
- You should participate in the telehealth appointment in an area that is open, clear of obstructions, and well-lit.
2. You do not need a medical referral to undertake treatment remotely via Telehealth.
Physiotherapists are direct contact practitioners, so you do not need a medical referral to start physiotherapy treatment via Telehealth. All you will need is a confirmed ZOOM link and appointment time, and you will be eligible to begin treatment.
3. Telehealth treatment is only eligble for those clients who have already undertaken assessment and treatment in clinic, or under singular circumstances.
Telehealth appointments are elibible for booking once a patient has been assessed in clinic. This is because initial assessment consists of physical assessment, observation of movement as well as physical testing. Without this information, appropriate treatment is difficult to conduct. For this reason, telehealth appointments are only available for those clients who are known to the clinic and those clients who have undertaken an assessment for their present problem.
4. Payment for Services is due on the day of the appointment.
Given that treatments are conducted remotely, invoicing for private health via Telehealth as well as payment of clinic invoices will need to be done via bank transfer. YOu will be provided with a link and details to . Atlas Physio WILL NOT charge you more than this rate for a standard consultation. You will still be liable for gym memberships, equipment purchases, and any out-of-clinic expenses.