Neck Pain
Neck Pain is a general term that refers to any kind of pain or discomfort felt in the neck. Neck Pain is a common problem that people experience, and may affect one in five people over the course of their lives.
Neck Pain is felt in the region below the base of the head and above the tops of the shoulderblades, though you may feel pain elsewhere in the body. Because of the number of nerves that go through the neck, pain may be felt in the shoulders, arms, hand, and the head and eyes. Neck Pain is referred to as Chronic Neck Pain when it has been present for twelve weeks or more.
Neck Pain is caused by irritation of structures within the neck. The specific cause of the pain depends on many factors like the age of the person experiencing the pain, their occupation, whether the pain was caused by an accident or started rapidly, as well as other variables.
Neck Pain can also be described as Mechanical Neck Pain, when the pain is specifically due to a certain, reproducible movement or sustained posture that strains the neck. Referred Neck Pain is felt in the arm, shoulders, in the mid back, or as headache.
When Neck Pain is experienced as a headache or causes a headache, it is referred to as a cervico-genic headache (cervico = cervical spine, genic = coming from.) During your assessment, you will be asked whether or not you experience headaches, and if so, the frequency and nature of your discomfort.
Management of Neck Pain depends on the cause of the pain, how it feels and changes over the day, what makes it better or worse, and the length of time you have been experiencing the pain. All of these factors will be addressed in your initial assessment, which is the first step towards minimising and managing any pain or discomfort. The treatment you receive will be tailored to address the specific cause of your Neck Pain, and will focus on minimising pain, maximising your ability to move pain free, and developing a plan to minimise the risk of a flare-up in the future.
At Atlas Physio, we will provide you with education, structured management, and ongoing monitoring of your pain both in and out of the clinic. Contact us to arrange an assessment, and to take the first step on a course of corrective care today.