Work Injuries
Many people who work experience injuries related to their obligations at work. Everyone is at risk of experiencing a Work Injury, regardless of the nature of their jobs. Injuries like sprains, Back Pain, Shoulder Pain and Knee Pain are highly represented in physical jobs such as Trades and Technical fields, while conditions like Carpal Tunnel, Neck Pain, Headache are commonly represented in Desk jobs.
If you experience a Work Injury, it is important to be assessed and treated quickly. This will minimise the time spent off work, improve the likelihood of returning to work at your previous duties, and will also ensure a productive relationship between yourself and your care provider. If you suspect you have experienced a Work Injury, you should speak to your treating clinician or doctor.
As part of treatment for your Work Injury, you may be eligible for subsidised treatment under WorkCover / WorkSafe. At Atlas Physio, we do NOT charge a gap fee in addition to any subsidised cost of treatment. However, the cost of gait aid prescription, gym or pool membership as part of rehab, as well as imaging or reporting may not be covered under the schedule of subsidised fees. Make sure to discuss this with your treating clinician.
Management of your Work Injury will depend on the nature of that injury, your physical obligations at work, the time you need to return to work, as well as your schedule. The treatment you receive will be tailored to address the specific cause of your pain, and will focus on minimising pain, maximising your ability to move pain free, and developing a plan to minimise the risk of a flare-up in the future.
At Atlas Physio, we will provide you with education, a structured Return to Work plan, and ongoing monitoring of your pain both in and out of the clinic. We will also be happy to liaise directly with your insurer, legal representatives, and employer if required. Contact us to arrange an assessment, and to take the first step on a course of corrective care today.